Enrollment is Open for the 2024-25 School Year

Escolasofia Waldorf School, with the center code 07016189, is the first Waldorf school for Early Childhood, Elementary, Middle School and High School in the Balearic Islands that has been accredited by the Conselleria d’Educació i Formació Professional del GOIB.  

Early Childhood – Elementary – Middle School – High School (10th grade)

Learn about the school:
To sign up for a visit, fill out the Pre-enrollment Form online and we will contact you to organize the visit

Interview with teacher Olga Lucía Rincón on IB3 Radio


We are a group of teachers and parents united in the interest of educating and caring for children through Waldorf Education.
Our aim is to generate an educational community where teachers and families work together to develop healthy and enriching educational processes.
This project was born from a vision of community service and with values closely tied to the social economy and the common good.


Since the first Waldorf School was founded in Stuttgart in 1919, Waldorf-Steiner education has extended progressively throughout the world. Today, there are approximately 2,000 preschools and 1,000 primary, secondary and high schools on all five continents.

What kind of school are we creating?

A school in which…

…children are the priority.
…the official course content is expanded by a methodology which is vibrant and alive.
…we respect and accompany the children in their emotional and life processes.
…we understand education is a work of art and every day is a new creation.
…art becomes a vehicle for learning.
…we educate the intellect, feeling and will of the children, allowing them to become whole human beings.

All the class teachers have received Waldorf-Steiner educational training and our curriculum is based on this educational system.

Videos and other resources about Waldorf Education


Background: The school was founded in 2015.
Families: +120.
Students: +160.
Nationalities: 19. In order of representation: Spanish, German, British, American, Italian, French, Argentinian, Swedish, Austrian, Dutch, Finish, Brazilian, Polish, Mexican, South African, Canadian, Swiss, Singaporean and New Zealander.
Teachers: 20.
Student/Teacher Ratio: 8:1.


Early Childhood (2-5 years)

The school day is from 9:00am to 1:30pm.

* Children can be dropped off starting at 8:30am. If any family needs to drop off their child before 8:30, please contact the school to find a suitable solution.

1st-4th Grades

The school day is from 8:30am to 2pm.  The teachers receive the students in the morning between 8:15am and 8:30am.

5th-6th Grades

The school day is from 8:15am to 2pm.

7th-10th Grades:

The school day is from 8:15am to 2:30pm every day except Thursdays when it is from 8:15am to 2pm.

Lunch & Afternoon Services:

The lunch service service for Early Childhood is from 1:30pm to 2:30pm and for Elementary/Middle/High School from 2pm to 3pm.
The afternoon service is from 2:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. for Early Childhood and from 3pm to 4:30pm for Elementary/Middle/High School.


The school will use exclusive spaces in the historical building, Son Rossinyol, located in the Polígono Son Rossinyol.

C/ Gremi Velluters 14, Poligono Son Rossinyol, Palma de Mallorca

Call us at +34 654 390 679


09 Sep 2024, 22:51

Escolasofia Waldorf School
“El paso del arco” Hoy hemos celebrado un día muy especial en la escuela, que marca el inicio de un nuevo año escolar. Este evento no solo simboliza el comienzo de una nueva etapa en el aprendizaje de nuestros niños, sino también la transición hacia una mayor madurez y crecimiento personal.El “Paso del Arco” es un momento de profundo simbolismo y emoción. Los estudiantes, guiados por sus maestros y familiares, atraviesan un arco decorado con flores. Este arco representa el paso de un estado de desarrollo a otro, una metáfora de la evolución constante en el camino del conocimiento y la autoexploración.Al cruzar el arco, los niños dejan atrás el pasado y se abren a nuevas experiencias y aprendizajes. Es un acto de celebración que refuerza el sentido de comunidad y pertenencia, la primera clase cruza del infantil a la primaria, y forma un hermoso ramo de flores con su clase.Nos sentimos emocionados por lo que este nuevo curso traerá y agradecidos por la oportunidad de acompañar a nuestros estudiantes en su crecimiento. ¡Bienvenidos a un nuevo año escolar lleno de descubrimientos!Iniciamos nuestro 10 curso!....#waldorf #waldorfeducation #escuela #secundaria #curso20242025#alternativeeducation #americanschool #americanschoolmallorca #bilingualeducation #antroposofia #waldorfschool #waldorfschule #waldorfschoolmallorca #escuelawaldorf #colegiowaldorf #escolasofia #escolasofiawaldorfschool #summerschool #waldorfespaña #bilingualschool #primaria #arte #steiner#escuelasinpantallas#educarconamor#waldorfschule ... See MoreSee Less
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03 Sep 2024, 19:09

Escolasofia Waldorf School
🌿✨ ¡Preparándonos con entusiasmo para un nuevo año escolar en nuestra escuela Waldorf! ✨🌿Hoy, nuestro equipo de maestros se ha reunido en un inspirador claustro para organizar, planificar y crear un ambiente acogedor que dé la bienvenida a nuestros queridos estudiantes. 🏫🌈En la educación Waldorf, creemos en la importancia de nutrir el alma, la mente y el cuerpo de cada niño a través de una enseñanza que respete su desarrollo individual. 🎨📚🤹‍♂️ Por eso, cada detalle es pensado con cariño: desde la organización de los espacios hasta las actividades artísticas y de movimiento que fomentarán la creatividad y la imaginación.Estamos listos y emocionados para recibirlos y acompañarlos en su camino de aprendizaje y crecimiento. 🌱💫 ¡Gracias por confiar en nosotros!#educaciónwaldorf #aprendizajeconcorazón #preparándonosparaunnuevoaño #creatividadyjuego #bienvenidosniños #waldorf #waldorfeducation #escuela #Secundaria #curso20242025#alternativeeducation #americanschool #americanschoolmallorca #BilingualEducation #antroposofia #waldorfschool #waldorfschule #waldorfschoolmallorca #escuelawaldorf #colegiowaldorf #EscolaSofia #escolasofiawaldorfschool #summerschool #waldorfespaña #bilingualschool #primaria #arte #steiner#escuelasinpantallas#educarconamor#waldorfschule ... See MoreSee Less
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19 Aug 2024, 10:55

Escolasofia Waldorf School
#waldorf #waldorfeducation #escuela #Secundaria #curso20242025#alternativeeducation #americanschool #americanschoolmallorca #BilingualEducation #antroposofia #waldorfschool #waldorfschule #waldorfschoolmallorca #escuelawaldorf #colegiowaldorf #EscolaSofia #escolasofiawaldorfschool #summerschool #waldorfespaña #bilingualschool #primaria #arte #steiner#escuelasinpantallas#educarconamor#waldorfschule ... See MoreSee Less
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School authorized by the Conselleria d’Educació de las Islas Baleares
Candidate for accreditation as an American School with Middle States Association Commissions on Elementary and Secondary Schools