1st Grade

Math Arabic numbers up to 144.
Roman numerals up to 10.
The four basic operations.
Counting, calculation and estimates.
Spanish Capital letters, diction, Listening, speaking, narrations fairy tales.
Social Sciences The wonders of the world through observation.
My body and my space.
My friends and my family.
Natural Sciences Nature through observation and storytelling.
Nature and the senses.
Handwork Natural materials that nature provides.
Manual work:
Cleaning, washing, carding, dyeing sheep’s wool.
Creating the needles from a wooden stick.
Form drawing The experience of the Straight line and the Curve.
Rhythmic drawings of lines and curves.
English language Imitation of the language through games, songs, stories.
Music Songs and pentatonic flute.
Literature Familiarization with books, observation, listening to reading by the teacher, proper treatment and handling of books.
Sculpting Beeswax, fairy tale scenes. Allow the light to penetrate the wax.
Painting Wet-on-wet painting with watercolor.
Experiences with primary colors and their encounter.
Sense of form and colors.
The forms of natural objects: Meeting in straight and curved lines.
Movement: Gymnastics, games and eurythmy Rounds (circle games).
Exercises for the development of laterality and definition of dominance.
Gross motor skills games.
Games and rotational forces and agility.
Games that enable the development of the senses.
The circle and the line, imaginative experience of basic shapes.
Narration and poems.
Pentatonic Melodies.
Gardening Contact with nature: the four elements.
Development of observation, will and perseverance.
Games and stories related to the land.
The earth as a living being.